Mac Software Update Network Connection Lost

May 30, 2020  A wired connection is usually more stable and lets you update your Mac to the latest version of macOS without any issues. In order to connect your Mac to an Ethernet cable, you are going to need an adapter that works with both your cable as well as your Mac. Jan 27, 2009  I am having this problem on only one of four machines on the same network. I updated a PowerBook G4 from 10.5.5 to 10.5.6 via software update - then was having some problems with sleep/wake - so I downloaded the 10.5.6 combo updater and installed that (and repaired permissions) - now on that machine only software update claims there is a network issue and the network diagnostic. Nov 19, 2018  For what it’s worth, almost every single MacOS system software update seems to cause a small number of Mac users some wi-fi grief, and in most cases it’s just a matter of a corrupted plist file, a DHCP or DNS issue, or something fairly simple to resolve.

Mac Software Update Network Connection LostMac Software Update Network Connection LostLost

Update Mac Software

Mac OS 10.4.2
G4 (AGP)
I just moved to a new home and unfortunatly my fast internet connection through DSL (3.0 Mbits/sec) had to be changed to something a lot slower running over DirecWay satellite.
Whenever I run the software update utility, I get a dialog box that pops up and says,
'A networking error has occured: bad server response (-1011). Make sure you can connect to the Internet, then try again.
Software Update can't check for updates because of a network problem.'
Diagnostics pass, doing standard Internet tasks works just fine, as a matyer of fact, I can connect to the internet, surf, download email, etc. There is nothing different about the system other then I use a different internet provider. I'm wondering does Software Update look for a certain connection speed before timing out? I never got the (-1011) error before moving over to DirecWay.

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